Tuesday 11 September 2018

Eco-Friendly Home Design Ideas from House Builders Sydney

Modern-day house builders Sydney lay a lot of stress these days on eco-friendly designs, eco-friendly structure and so on and so we thought, why not pick this topic and learn more about it. According to the experts, there are a number of smaller modifications and alterations that can convert any random home in to a home that has been designed the eco-friendly way. 

As far as architects are concerned, they have unlimited designs and creativities to include in a home design to turn it into an eco-friendly one, but it is not necessary to include all of them. Even if you start with some, you can make a huge difference and some easy steps are discussed herein.


• How you decide to position your house will have a huge impact on how environmentally effective it is. 
• This means that its orientation, size and shape should be decided in such a way that it doesn’t require too much of artificial energy to cool or warm it.
• Other than this, you can also consider important factors such as getting the most of the breeze or sunlight coming through your living room window.
• Furthermore, you can even consider the direction from your home, where the sun would rise to ensure that your home thrives on natural sunlight for most part of the day.
• Similarly, with cross-ventilation, experts of office fitouts Sydney say that you will not have to rely too much on fans and air conditioners for breeze or even coolness.

Conserve Water

• In a new home design, house builders Sydney can infuse methods that could help you save a lot of water and help you in raising the voice in the favour of water conservation.
• For example, you can consider purchasing fixtures and appliances that conserve water – things such as lower flow taps, water-saving heaters and highly rated energy-star products.
• Also consider capturing any rainwater which falls on your property. 
• This rainwater can then be used to help run other features, or help irrigate your garden.